"He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters; He restores my soul."
- Psalm 23

Retreat with God, and let him restore your soul.
Current Retreat Offerings:
Summer of Love 2024
Is it hard to believe that God truly loves you? All of you? As you are? Right now? Have you heard people share experiences of God’s love and wonder if something like that is even possible for you? Perhaps your relationship with God isn't actually satisfying and in the secret places of your heart you’re hoping there’s more. The Summer of Love was created for you!
You’re invited to join us as we boldly ask for the summer of 2024 to be marked by a personal encounter with Love. This will be a 3 part retreat series with time spent alone with God, with each other and in spiritual direction. Through creative spiritual practices we'll bring more of ourselves to God in prayer and experience His love in unique and personal ways. We’ll ask God to bring our true desires to the surface, and listen for the Spirits invitations.
First Gathering: Come together for a time of guided retreat, food, and fellowship that will kick off our Summer of Love. You'll be given materials to continue your retreat at home. Second Gathering: Private Spiritual direction session with Grace Cooper via zoom. Final Gathering: Regroup to share our experiences of God from the summer, feast on good food, and bless each other as we continue on the road!
Location: Online gatherings will be via Zoom. In-person gatherings will be at the home of Grace Cooper in Woodland Ca.
Dates and Times:
Saturday, June 15th, 9:00 am -12:00 pm (PST)
End of July-Early August Spiritual Direction Session (Zoom)
Saturday, August 24th, 9:00 am-12:00 pm (PST)
Cost: $100 or Pay What You Can
Saturday, June 22nd 5:00 - 8:00 pm (PST) Woodland, Ca
End of July-Early August Spiritual Direction Session (Zoom)
Saturday, August 31st 5:00 - 8:00 pm (PST) Woodland, Ca
Cost: $140 or Pay What You Can
For more information and to register, please contact:
Grace Cooper:
*Each retreat is limited to 8 participants
A Daily Retreat With God
A message and invitation from Spiritual Director Kira McFatridge:
In May of 2020, I felt in my body the grief of an entire globe in loss and fear, and suffering. Pandemic-fatigued and weary of discord between every conceivable community of people, I came to terms with the truth that there was nothing, not even one word I could formulate that would bring any balm or rightness to the world. And yet, there remained a persistent desire to offer something of myself to the convulsing world. And then there was the knowledge that there was another word of hope. That very morning of revelation, I began Word Made Flesh, a podcast that offers that other word.
Word Made Flesh became my daily retreat, and I offer it now to you as a way to enter into a contemplative, hospitable space with our healer God. Word Made Flesh is simply one episode each day with one chapter of scripture from the New American Standard Bible.
It is recorded with the quotidian sounds of my life (birds talking, children scurrying, neighbors partying, planes and trains, and dogs and wind) without pomp or circumstance, commentary or dissection.
Word Made Flesh holds space for you to entertain the mystery as you let the words wash over your own weary, heavy-laden soul and bring you into His rest.
To listen on Spotify, click here.
I hope you'll join me!
~ Kira
* You can learn more about Kira in our Directory by clicking here.