Spiritual Direction for Children
“Let the children come to Me and don’t hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to them.”
Matthew 19:14

What is Spiritual Direction for Children?
Caring for a young soul is important work and a tremendous privilege. Spiritual direction for children is both similar and different from adults. Though the core remains the same – a safe, unrushed place where one can hear God’s voice of love and become more aware of His presence and work in their lives – the session will look slightly different. The spiritual director will create space for listening, playing, and pondering with the child. The spiritual director will follow the child’s lead where God is and always will be present.
What does a Spiritual Director for Children do?
A spiritual director for children is a listening friend who invites children to express his or her life experiences through art, play, and movement. The director relies on the practice of Holy Listening. While children are talking and playing, the director is listening with the help of the Spirit to their stories, whether they are sharing their hopes and joys, or pains and struggles. We will use illustrated images, toys, art, prayer beads, bubbles, Play-Doh, and more to nurture their life with God.
Who is Spiritual Direction for Children meant for?
Spiritual direction for Children is meant for any child, ages 5-17. The decision to come is usually from the parent. However, it is never forced, and the desire must come from the child. Though the child or teen might be going through a crisis, Spiritual Direction for Children is not counseling, teaching, or problem-solving. It’s a place to notice and encourage children to connect with the One who loves them and is always with them.
Praying for you and your precious child
as you explore, pray, and discern God’s leading!