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Walking with you as you walk with God.
Creating spaces to notice the movement of God in your life, your desire for more of Him,
and His deep love for you.
Come on inside!

Welcome to
Companions For Your Journey
We’re so glad you’ve found us and look forward to walking with you as you walk with God. Please browse our site, meet our team and explore what God’s invitation might be in your current season of life. When you’re ready, we’d love to connect and help you find a spiritual director, share more about our contemplative groups, or talk about our upcoming retreats.
Companions For Your Journey is a community of Spiritual Directors
whose desire is to create safe spaces for you to notice the movement of God in your life and discover His great love for you.
We do this through one-to-one spiritual direction, hosting contemplative group experiences, and leading reflective retreats.
Companions For
Your Journey
Walking with you
as you walk with God.
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